Untitled #142, 2013 / Video
Untitled #141 (The Sun is The Same...), 2012 / High Definition Video, silent / 19:31
ed. 3 + 1AP
Untitled #160 (Balcombe), (2011-2013) / digitally manipulated video / duration: 90 minutes / Edition of 5+1 AP
Untitled #100 (Fantasia), 2007-2009 / High Definition Video/ 12 minutes 6 seconds / edition of 5
Permanent Collection Los Angeles County Museum of Art & Museum of Contemporary Art, San Diego
Untitled #27 (Unknown Rebel), 2006 / Video / edition of 7 + 3 AP
Duration: 1 minute, 11 seconds
Permanent Collection Madison Museum of Contemporary Art & Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
Untitled #8, 2004 / Video / edition of 7 + 3 AP
Duration: 2 minutes, 31 seconds
Permanent Collection of San Jose Museum of Art (CA)
Untitled #29 (N9253N), 2006 / Video / edition of 7 + 3 AP
Duration: 15 seconds
Untitled #105 (SFDF), 2009-2011 / 3 High-definition videos with sound
Duration: 3 minutes, 5 seconds; 7 minutes, 55 seconds; 7 minutes, 35 seconds
Untitled #101a (SYNW), 2009 / Cibachrome / edition of 5 + 1 AP / 19.75 x 35 inches
Untitled #101d (SYNW), 2009 / Cibachrome / edition of 5 + 1 AP / 19 3/4 x 35 inches
Untitled #46 (The Awful Grace of God), 2007 / Video / edition of 7 + 3 AP
Duration: 2 minutes, 16 seconds
Untitled #40 (ATWT), 2007 / Video / edition of 7 + 3 AP
Duration: 49 seconds
Josh Azzarella (b. 1978, Ohio)
Creates videos and photographs that explore the power of context in the authorship of memory, oftentimes utilizing seminal moments in pop culture and news media to create accessible confrontations with historiography. By illuminating the individual encounter with communal experiences, Azzarella evaluates the perception of realness – which can ultimately be rooted in both the fantastic as much as the pragmatic.
Azzarella was the recipient of the 2006 Emerging Artist Award and related solo exhibition from The Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum (CT). He has previously shown at the California Museum of Photography (CA), University Art Museum, Long Beach (CA), Vancouver Art Gallery (Canada), Kavi Gupta Gallery (IL), Academie der Kunste (Berlin), Sean Kelly Gallery (NY), Catharine Clark Gallery (CA), Mississippi State University (MS), the Santa Barbara Museum of Art (CA) and DCKT Gallery (NY). His work is included in the permanent collection of the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (CA), the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (CA), the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts (PA), the Museum of Fine Arts Houston (TX), the San Diego Museum of Modern Art (CA), the Margulies Collection (FL), Western Bridge (WA) and Morgan Chase (NY). He lives and works in Easton, PA.
For a full biography and curriculum vitae, please click the PDF download link below.