Cheryl Pope / Shaun Gladwell-PULSE Picture Window-Glasgow, Scotland

July 2014

Cheryl Pope / One of Many, One, 2014 / HD video / 2 Hours 54 minutes / Edition of 5 + 2 AP / Bill Bilowit Videographer and Editor

Press Release

Picture Window has been commissioned to produce a series of temporary installations in shopfronts along the London Road as part of PULSE with Pidgin Perfect and Patricia Fleming Projects for Legacy 2014.

PULSE a series of temporary and permanent artworks situated along London Road. Two permanent artworks by Glasgow based artists: Jacqueline Donachie and Iain Kettles, installations of contemporary video art and community engagement work for Commonwealth Games 2014.

Picture Window is an ongoing Public Art Project initiated in 2012 by artists, Annie Crabtree and Eileen Daily. The aim of the project is to improve access to the wealth of innovative video and performance art in Glasgow, for the people if the city. The project provides Glasgow’s emerging artists with a platform for the exhibition of work, as well as widening the audience for leading-edge video art.

We will be presenting national and internationally renowned artists alongside emerging artists to create a critical mass of projection during Games time, 23 Jul - 3 Aug. Animating shopfronts in the Barras and Carlton area, London Road will play host to a programme of innovative video projection artwork reflecting themes of movement, the body, and notions of sport.

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